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About Flying Tin Magazine

Flying Tin Magazine is a premium media brand recognized globally as a leading online Aviation publication. We provide an open platform for industry insiders to publish independent opinions and commentary on both Global and Regional Aviation news and events.

Drop us a Note

If you have a comment or suggestion to share, we look forward to hearing from you. Please send your comments to Flying Tin Magazine or write to us:

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Submit a Press Release

We except Aviation related press releases only. Submitting a press release does not guarantee that it will be published; all submissions will be evaluated by the publisher who has sole determination on its newsworthiness.

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Are you interested in writing for us? 

At Flying Tin Magazine we welcome new articles for publication, if you are an Aviation professional and would like to be a contributor to FTM please feel free to submit your article to:

Our Guidelines:

  • We only accept original content exclusively for FTM
  • We do not accept advertising articles.
  • The subject must be relevant to the Aviation Industry
  • Please include your bio (100 words or less).  You may also add links to your website, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Linkedin and Twitter pages if you want.
  • By submitting an article to FTM you accept our terms and conditions including any edits or changes we may recommend.
  • All submissions will be assessed and responded to within 7 working days.
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Submit Error

Though rare, occasionally errors do occur. Please use the form below to submit the details for correction:

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Please contact us below to learn more about advertising opportunities on this website.

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